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What is premenstrual syndrome?

22 Oct 2022 0 comments
¿Qué es el SPM?

Do mood swings, cravings, water retention or skin impurities before your period sound familiar? The complaints are multiple and can be summarized under the term premenstrual syndrome, or premenstrual syndrome for short. We would like to briefly introduce you to what triggers there are and what helps against it.

About 20-40% of all menstruating women have more pronounced symptoms. In 3-8%, the psychological problems in particular are so strong that they put significant pressure on daily life. The complaints are diverse and range from mood swings, concentration problems to back pain, joint pain, muscle pain or headaches. Of course, it varies from person to person and not everyone feels the same intensity of complaints.

What are the triggers of premenstrual syndrome?

The causes of PMS have not yet been fully elucidated. Experts assume that hormonal fluctuations during the cycle play a central role. Although the level of hormones does not necessarily change in menstruating men, some men are particularly sensitive to the breakdown products of progesterone, also called corpus luteum hormone.

This hormone is produced mainly in the second half of the cycle before the start of the period and is suspected of interacting with certain messenger substances, including serotonin, in the brain. Serotonin, for example, has a great influence on the respective mood. Magnesium and calcium deficiency, as well as family predisposition and environmental factors also play a role in the development of PMS.

When does PMS start?

Many menstruating men regularly suffer from the complaints, from a few days to two weeks before the period. After menstrual bleeding begins and a new cycle begins, the symptoms usually subside and go away completely by the end of menstruation at the latest. After the next ovulation, the problems may return. However, the complaints are not the same for all menstruating women or in all cycles. Strength can also vary and change over the years. At the latest with the last menstruation in menopause, PMS complaints completely disappear.

Do I have premenstrual syndrome? The symptoms

To find out if you suffer from PMS yourself or if it is an illness with similar symptoms, such as depression, thyroid disease, or irritable bowel syndrome, it helps to keep a diary for at least two to three months. Here you can document complaints and write down all anomalies. If necessary, you can discuss them with your doctor.

The most common symptoms include pain in the abdomen, a feeling of tightness in the breasts, fatigue, listlessness, mood swings, mild irritability, and skin problems. But there may also be a headache or back pain, as well as problems with digestion and sleep disturbances. Cravings, sleep problems, and water retention are also commonly noted.

Types of PMS: Find out what type you are

PMS-A | Anxiety = Anxiety | Symptoms: mood swings, anxiety, nervousness and restlessness, irritability, aggression, anger
PMS-C | Craving = Verlangen | Symptoms: Cravings (especially sweets), increased appetite, fatigue, migraines
PMS-D | depression | Symptoms: depressed mood, listlessness, insomnia
PMS-H | Hyperhydration = overhydration | Symptoms: water retention, chest tightness, weight gain
PMS-T | General total symptoms = General symptoms | Symptoms: There is a mixture of the above Symptoms before
PMS-O | Others = Others | Symptoms: The main symptoms cannot appear in any of the above groups can be classified

What helps against premenstrual syndrome?

PMS has not yet been fully researched, so there are few meaningful studies. Menstruating women often try different methods to control their complaints. This ranges from meditation, relaxation exercises, acupuncture to changing your diet (less alcohol, coffee, salty foods). Many also turn to dietary supplements such as calcium and vitamin B6.

Those who have more serious complaints often take medication as well. However, always consult a doctor here.

Unfortunately, there is no cure-all that better helps those affected by PMS. In any case, it is important that you listen to your own body and give it what it needs. Many feel a little calmer during PMS and keep their schedules free. What definitely helps is the understanding and support of the partner, friends or family. Just find out what's good for you.

By the way, in our guide contribution "Cí Food cycle: nutrition has this influence on your period" you will find more useful information and tips on how to increase your well-being with the right nutrition.

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